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23 February 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Data center & financial institutions

Welcome again!

Today we're going to have some insights on our case study to clearly understand the objective of these posts.

The case study we have to do is based on the design of a new generation data center for a financial environment.

But first of all, you might be wondering what is exactly a data processing center? Don’t worry.

In easy words we could say that data centers are the brain of a company and where all resources needed to process data are located.

The aim of a data center is to process, store and distribute information and for that all data must be kept in devices such as servers and data storage. This equipment has to be in a specially conditioned and secure place because on a data center we can find the most critical data of a company.

To have a clear idea on how exactly might look a data center you could see the following video which shows how Google data center works:



But, as we said, what we’re going to do is to design a data center for a financial institution. From a client point of view, what he is looking for when choosing a bank is to have their confidential data save and secure so security might be the most important characteristic.

But a strong design must also consider other aspects such as:

  • Redundancy and backups to provide the network with the maximum availability.
  • Management of the Internet bandwidth so critical transactions will prioritized over others.

A bad data center design for a financial environment might mean money losses and credibility for that institution.


So summing-up our data center design will be focused on a bank so we’ll have to take into consideration lots of aspects to avoid money losses by both the clients and the financial institution.

Do you find data centers interesting? Wait and see our new posts!!
