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26 April 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Quality of service [Study Case]

Hello everyone. Today we'll get a look to the quality of service in the case study.

There is four important point about the quality of service in the case study.


Firstly, it is needed to monitor the activity of the network and the activity of the users.

We will monitor it with the goal to improve the network if it is possible by looking if there is a rush hour on the network by example.

Secondly, we need a DNS equipment, it is a must-have, there is not a lot of people who reach the pages they need by utilizing IP address and a tool to manage the ports of all the devices.

Then, we need a reporting and a management tool to centralize everything on one and only one console. This is better like that because it will be more secure.

And finally, we need a tool to manage the bandwidth to make the critical transaction be prioritized and to use the best policy in different scenario.

And that's all for the requirement of the case study.


For information of what is "Quality of Service", I invite you to read that page.


And that's all, I hope to have the time to write another article on this subject to check what is HP solution to implement QoS in our CPD.


