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18 March 2021 | Posted by userDataCenter

Datacenter Evolution

This post will talk about the evolution that CPDs have undergone over the years. Many changes have emerged to try to take advantage of more and better resources and in turn try to lower costs, which is the purpose of any company.

In the beginning, the CPDs had the same function as the one they currently have but there have been many changes from that moment until now. In the first place, the servers that were used were of a much larger size, that is, they took up more physical space. Due to this inconvenience, either very large venues were needed or not many services could be offered. Another thing that has changed and was done before, was that each server could only offer one service. Therefore, each physical machine only offered one service and if it was a large company or it was intended to offer many services, they had to have many machines that consume a lot of electricity and physical space, apart from each requiring maintenance

Then, due to this operation, a big problem was noticed that there was and it was that if it was intended to offer many services, many machines were required and another thing that was visible is that each of these machines barely used 50% at most of the total resources it had. Therefore, a very large investment was being made, wasting half of the resources and taking up a lot of physical space. All these observations come to the conclusion that there were many machines that consume a lot and needed their own maintenance and the efficiency that was being taken out of them was very low. Therefore, to finalize the explanation of the problem that was detected, it should be remembered that the companies have the purpose of making money and precisely half of the resources of each machine were being used to offer only one service, so resources and money were being wasted. That is why the need to make a change arose.

The solution to that problem was virtualization. This technology consists of virtualizing the different Operating Systems that manage the different applications offered by a company in order to share all the physical resources, thus making the most of all the installed hardware. With this, on the same physical machine, more than 1 application or service could be hosted and therefore we went from using 1 machine per service to 1 machine for multiple services. With this, it is achieved that the performance that was had before 40-50% becomes 80% more or less, taking more advantage of the investment in hardware made.

Examples of companies which developed this technology can be VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, Virtual Box or KVM among others. These companies developed software that is capable of managing different operating systems and sharing the resources of the base system.

For this they used two different solutions: a software which works on top of an existing operating system, which runs this software that in turn runs the other operating systems or a management software that already acts as a base operating system which runs directly on top of the hardware without the need to be managed and / or executed by a base operating system.

With this they achieve two things, a version for clients without much technical knowledge since the software has a very intuitive and easy-to-use interface for the average client and another version much more optimized for companies which needs greater knowledge but much more prepared and facing the business world. This is because by not needing a base operating system, the resources of this system can be used to manage more services and therefore get more profitability from the software and hardware. They also offer many more options and services than other software.

Currently, these softwares offer many more control and resource management applications compared to their launch, such as resource balancing, ease of moving virtual machines and services, and system fault tolerance, for example. All very important factors for companies that are adding to the already known greatest advantage that is energy and hardware savings.

In conclusion, the creation of this type of software has totally changed what a CPD was before and has revolutionized the entire world of ICT technologies, allowing it to grow and offer services at an exponential rate. That is why the application of this technology has been a before and after in the world of data processing and application management.

Posted by Roger Marcen


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