International Institute on Innovation, IT Management and Entrepreneurship. Services on business models, ecosystems, digital transformation efforts.

14 March 2012 | Posted by Innova Institute

Public Sector: Social CRM future scenarios

Following the Innova Institute presentation of possible future Social CRM scenarios, we advance into disclosing the results for the Public Administration. The research results suggest three different scenarios (a) "Personal digitalization and Social Media as a fracture element between society and Public Administration", (b) "Public Administration grounded on citizen participation" and (c) "The Public Administration moves towards the Social Media integration".

The first scenario (a): "Personal digitalization and Social Media as a fracture element between society and Public Administration", outlines a situation in which the administration, following its own pace of evolution, has largely lost the contact with the discussions and concerns of citizens. Citizens’ advanced personal digitalization coupled with a low Social CRM integration into the Administration processes, project a scenario in which a separation between social life and government function is established.

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The second scenario (b): "Public Administration grounded on citizen participation", proposes a more transgressive and dynamic situation. This scenario raises the path to a different social reality in which Administrations have shared some of their functions and have internalized the need for a new role for citizens and society at large. This new situation exploits the integration capabilities offered by the CRM strategies in a Social Networks environment to construct an advanced Social CRM adoption in the Public Administartion. As a result, the Social CRM becomes the backbone of social participation succesfully channeling the desire for societal change and improvement demanded by citizens.

Finally, the third scenario (c): "The Public Administration move towards the Social Media integration", describes a situation where Social CRM adoption is seen in some pioneer administrations, but remains untouched in most organizations. In this scenario, there is no value chain transformation, thus citizens relationships with administration does not experiment a transformation. Moreover, citizens’ usage of Social Media has not influenced or forced changes in institutional relationship mechanisms. Therefore, in this scenario the peculiarities and existing procedures in Public Administration have prevailed over the improvement opportunities offered by the Social CRM adoption.

How do you think Public Administrations will react to this challenge?


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