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09 March 2023 | Posted by angela.tuduri

La Salle-URL Philosophy Faculty visits Barcelona City Hall

Students of the Philosophy, Politics and Economics degree are familiar with local politics.

Contemporary society is facing challenges every day that put all kinds of issues up for debate: corruption, technological changes, economic, social and climatic inequalities... awakening interest in new areas of knowledge.   

Nowadays, many companies and organizations are considering the need to include profiles with solid knowledge in philosophy, politics and economics in order to make better strategic decisions in our changing environment. With this, there is a growing inclination towards studies that connect philosophical, political and economic disciplines, and that allow us to reflect on the current and future challenges facing humanity.  

Last Friday, February 24, in an activity linked to the subject of Foundations of Political Science, the students of the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics of La Salle-URL made an outing to the City Council of Barcelona.   

History and current affairs of local politics  

The objective of the visit was to allow the students to know in depth the chronology and articulation of the institution, with a guided tour and the attendance to a plenary session dedicated among other issues to the state of the city, the presentation of the report of the Síndic de Greuges and the debate on the twinning relations between Barcelona and the city of Tel-Aviv.  

After attending the plenary session and being able to listen to the political representatives discuss the current issues of the city, the students received some of them, sharing impressions and day-to-day events at the City Hall.   

Among the public servants, Francesc Xavier Marcé, councilman of Tourism and Creative Industries and councilman of the District of Nou Barris for the PSC, shared his reflections on his day-to-day life as a councilman, the organization and political activity in the different districts of the city and the debates around the tourism model of Barcelona.   

Max Zañartu, councilman president of the Horta Guinardó District Municipal Council for ERC, explained to the young people the most recent debates on mobility and logistics in Barcelona, and how these issues are being addressed by the City Council. In addition, the councilman also shared with the students his personal experience, offering them a new close and realistic perspective on politics and its opportunities.  

Finally, the students chatted with the head of Press of the Valents Municipal Group, Mr. Paris Grau, learning about the support of the political advisors towards the representatives and showing them how the development of political and communication strategies takes place. 

The activity has allowed students of Philosophy, Politics and Economics to come into direct contact with the development of local politics and its current ideological and technical debates.”

- Jordi Feixas – Coordinator of the Philosophy, Politics and Economics degree program

An excellent opportunity to learn about the different professional profiles linked to public service. The outing also contributed to the knowledge of the political reality and to the acquisition of tools to guide the students in their professional future.  

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Philosophy, politics and economics are interconnected disciplines that seek to understand social reality, its different facets and the connection between them. In a world that is increasingly connected, more technological and diverse, there is a growing need for profiles that are able to understand the environment and develop a capacity for reflection that transforms and changes society.   

La Salle-URL's Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics prepares students to develop a more open vision of the world through critical thinking, reflection and debates. A transdisciplinary approach that encourages students to develop their own well-founded positions, with a vocation to learn and collaborate with people from different areas of knowledge. 


