Marie Curie ITN “RE-DWELL” starts its journey

On October 1st, the project “RE-DWELL: Delivering affordable and sustainable housing in Europe”, a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the H2020 programme, started its activities. Housing in many European countries has become unaffordable for many. In fact, it is now considered to be one of the most important national issues in Europe and its solution is proving very challenging. RE-DWELL will train a new generation of professionals with the transdisciplinary skills which are needed to address the urgent need for affordable and sustainable housing, a major challenge for European societies.
Fifteen early-stage researchers, to be contracted for this project, will carry out a transdisciplinary research encompassing design planning and building, community participation, policy and financing. Their work will be supervised by an international board of qualified experts from a variety of academic and professional fields. Researchers will carry out their work as PhD students in their host academic institution, with stages in the professional organizations participating in the network.
The RE-DWELL consortium consists of 10 universities and 12 non-academic partner organisations representing 9 European countries (Spain, France, UK, Croatia, Hungary, Cyprus, Netherlands, Portugal and Belgium). This project, which will last four years, is coordinated by Dr. Leandro Madrazo, professor at the School of Architecture La Salle, Ramon Llull University.