News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

14 October 2013 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle Universities will award prizes to the best social projects developed by European pre-university young for the fourth year

LSdreams is an international contest promoting social responsibility among young people. Its purpose is to reward pre-university students from La Salle in Europe and the Middle East who have developed a project to improve their social environment from an Engineering, Architecture, Business management or Health Sciences approach. LSdreams aims to transmit students a series of values inherent to La Salle, such as teamwork, innovation, creativity and problem solving. At the same time, LSdreams intends to promote the creation of vocations in the aforementioned fields. To participate, interested students need to get organized into teams of 3 and develop projects in one of the four areas of knowledge. These projects need to seek the improvement of their surrounding environment and will be supervised by a tutor from their Center.

The winner team in each one of the four categories will be awarded a five-day trip to Rome for all the team members as well as for the tutor/representative of the school. The delivery of the diploma certificate will take place at the Generalate of La Salle. Additionally, the jury will grant an extraordinary LSdreams award, consisting of a cutting-edge electronic tablet for each member of the award-winning team and one for the tutor.

This educational project of international dimension, which seeks to promote dialogue, cooperation and friendship, has a support email address. Inscriptions can be done before the 31st October 2013 via the official Lsdreams website.

LSdreams is organised by La Salle Universities, a network of International Lasalian Universities consisting of seven colleges: the Polytechnic Insitute of La Salle Beauvais, l'École Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (Lyon), Groupe ESAIP Enseignement Supérieur (Angers), La Salle Mounier (Paris), La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL, La Salle Campus Madrid and the Open University La Salle (UOLS).


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