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08 July 2014 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Softonic rewards the best academic records in the High Performance Web Programming Master

The top four academic records of the Master in High Performance Web Programming (MPWAR) of La Salle-URL received an award from Softonic. The founder and president of the European company with the largest audience worldwide, Tomás Diago, personally handed the awards to the students of this innovative training program. The Catalan multinational recognized the talent of Barbara Gavaldà, Xavier Borja, Josep Lluís Giralt and Jordi Cucala. This master, in the field of computer engineering, counts with the participation of some Softonic professionals, who collaborate as teachers together with the faculty members of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL. In a ceremony held this afternoon at Softonic’s offices in Barcelona, students visited the facilities where 400 professionals work in the famous download and software sales site. The coordinator of La Salle-URL Engineering Masters, Agustín Zaballos and the director of MPWAR, David Vernet represented the university center of the technology and entrepreneurship in this event.
