Broiler chicken well-being study by means of the analysis of their vocalizations
Gerard Guinovart, together with Rosa Ma Alsina, are analysing raw acoustic signals collected in a real environment of a broiler chicken farm, with the ultimate aim of analysing animal welfare in the growing environment.
The objective is to detect if the different elements that support their growth (ventilation, feeding machinery, etc.) cause changes in their behaviour that can be measured by the equivalent level or frequency of their vocalizations.
The project is based on the study of the differences in the equivalent level of noise caused by the different equipment operating on the farm and the background noise caused by the vocalizations of thousands of chickens. Acoustic behaviour and vocalisations during the night, when chants are less frequent, are also analysed.
Figure. Leq levels measured in the farm along time, showing the activation of several machinery
This analysis aims to arrive at a first validation of the hypothesis that environmental noises change the behaviour of broilers in their growth to be sacrificed for their consumption.