La Salle Technova launches the 4th edition of TStart pre-accelerator program

The open kick-off session of the 4th edition of the T-Start pre-accelerator program is today, at 14:00 pm, in the La Salle Campus Barcelona. This program is offering training and mentorship for new entrepreneurs. From TStart the entrepreneurs can take all the knowledge and skills to find the problem that the market is facing and also discover what the target market needs. More than 30 projects have already been boosted by La Salle Technova in the previous edition of this pre-accelerator program. Some successful projects such as Oriumco and Mi Comunidad are now a reality!
This program consists on sessions every week and each session are divided in lectures where the goal is to explore different tools and frameworks guiding them on the first steps of the venture creation. Every entrepreneur will apply the theory on their business idea and then review and discuss it on class. During the TStart will be using agile development, design thinking and customer-driven-design. To finish the program every entrepreneur will present a pitch and there will be the possibility for validated potential ideas to follow the acceleration program TLaunch.
The profile of the participants is people who want to step into entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial talents or already existing teams with engagement and motivations to participate in all the program sessions. It is not necessary to have a business plan or prototype.
The TStart Pre-accelerator program makes part of the T Programs, a Business Creation Programs designed to promote the creation & growth of startups. With our three main programs (Tstart, TLauch and TGrowth) financed and supported by the Services for Startup's department in ACCIÓ, La Salle Technova helps entrepreneurs from the initial idea all the way to the Scaling Phase. A team of experienced entrepreneurs, scientist and managers, support founders with the development of their products, services, and business models.
The T Programs offers students, founders, academics, and startups team's individual support and coaching in building up a successful business.
Joan Vich, ex-student of Business de la salle says: "After going through the TPrograms we saw that it was the first step to realize what it means to undertake and give the first push.”
It still possible to apply through the website