Maryam Vaziri publishes an article AT EMERALD INSIGHT, studying different brand clarity levels, of both global and local brands.
The author’s aim is to analyze different Brand Clarity Levels (BCLs) of local, global, and glocal types of brands in fast-moving consumer goods from the consumer’s perspective. The study also intends to identify whether the consumer’s previous experience with such brands may impact BCL. To do this, twenty-eight global and local brands were used to test the hypotheses by conducting a survey with 400 consumers in the emerging economy of Iran.
The authors applied a quantitative technique of brand classification, previously proposed in the literature. After categorizing the brands as local, global or glocal; one-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc, and t-test analyses were performed to identify whether the different types of brands had different BCLs.
The results showed that brand clarity was significantly higher for local brands than for global or glocal brands and that it was higher for glocal brands than for global brands. Furthermore, the consumer’s prior experience with a brand had no impact on brand clarity for different types of brands. For global brand managers, it is essential to know that local brands in Middle Eastern emerging markets may have more brand clarity than global brands. Therefore, if global brands intend to enter these markets, adopting a glocal positioning appears to be a helpful strategy. Besides, the findings suggest that managers should analyze brand categorization from the consumer’s perspective, i.e. from a subjective instead of an objective perspective. Moreover, this was the first study analyzing the brand clarity (BCL) of local, global, and glocal brands and identifying significant differences in their level.
Please find the article here.