Blog of the GREITM resarch group, with a focus on generation and dissemination of knowledge in Innovation, IT Management and Entrepreneurship. 

01 April 2022 | Posted by Editorial Team GREITM

Laura Hundscheid and Aruana Rosa Souza visiting GREITM during their doctoral stay at La Salle Campus

Two P.h.D. students reflect on their experience while visiting the GREITM Research Group at La Salle Campus during a 10-week research exchange

During January, February and March, Aruana Rosa Souza and Laura Hundscheid visited GREITM during their doctoral stay at La Salle Campus - Ramón Llull University

Aruana Souza, an innovation ecosystem researcher from Brazil, obtained her degree in Foreign Trade from Feevale University in 2010. In 2019, specialized in Higher Education Teaching by QI Faculty and achieved her Master's in 2017. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student in Business Administration at Unisinos University. During her doctoral stages, she has visited several institutions such as the Business School of São Paulo University in 2021 and recently visited La Salle - Ramón Llull University. 

A highlight of her pass through Barcelona is the development of her fieldwork. Due to the nature of her research, she was able to meet founders, CEOs, and CTOs of several companies that work with biotechnology and photonics nascent technologies in Catalonia, and that are also developing their innovation ecosystems​​. Aruana was in contact with these entrepreneurs to learn about how they face uncertainties along their innovation ecosystems’ creation process, as she states – “If we know the strategies to deal with uncertainty, we can better understand the dynamics of the growth of innovation ecosystems. Understanding strategies means, understanding what to do to drive and accelerate the growth of new technologies in the market”.

The research has already yielded some results, such as the acceptance of a working paper at the Triple Helix congress, which will take place in August 2022. This trip allowed Aruana to meet academic specialists in her subject of studies and to participate in events our Campus and city offer. She visited the Mobile World Congress, one of the biggest technology events in the world, as a guest representing Brazilian students researchers in Spain during a session with the Brazilian Minister of Science and Technology Marcos Cesar Pontes.

In the picture below, Aruana Rosa Souza on the left and Laura Hundscheid on the right. 

At the same time, Laura Hundscheid, a german Ph.D. candidate in societal transitions toward sustainable food systems (University of Life Sciences, Vienna), holds a degree in Forestry and Resources Management at the Technical University Munich. In 2019 she completed a Master in Natural Resources Management at the University of Life Sciences in Vienna, currently, she courses her second year as a researcher and has also been a guest lecturer at the University of Innsbruck in 2021. 

Her current research focus lies in the protein transition contributing to more sustainable food systems, her aim is to shed more light on the gap between the production and consumption of sustainable proteins. The objective of her stay in La Salle Campus Barcelona is to steer collaboration between Ph.D. students working in a similar field, to learn from each other, and strengthen future cooperation. But also, at the same time she is conducting qualitative interviews with partners in the food industry and veggie restaurants. This autumn, the idea is to receive a visit from a La Salle Ph.D. student in Vienna. 


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