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21 March 2023 | Posted by angela.tuduri

Somia la Ciutat - the exhibition you can now visit at the Palau Robert

The exhibition directed by La Salle-URL opens to the public at the Palau Robert in Barcelona.

From today -March 21- until June 11, the exhibition Somia la ciutat opens, an exhibition that invites visitors to admire and dream about the city in all its facets.   

Somia la ciutat talks about the relationship between the city and its inhabitants, technology and globalization in urban life, and the possibilities for boosting creativity through urban planning and building.   

The project, led by Roger Subirà, architect and professor at ETSALS -Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de La Salle-URL-, has included an installation directed transversely by students from the Barcelona campus, in collaboration with Guillem Villa, coordinator of the engineering area of La Salle-URL.   

Do you want to know more? read on!   

Somia la ciutat - a place to dream about the future  

The exhibition delves into the new paths that constitute the cities of the future, in an optimistic and realistic way at the same time.   

Offering a fully immersive experience, the exhibition draws on new technologies and inspires visitors to create the city of their dreams. Escape pessimism and find new ways to dream about the city's urban future.   

Technology, sustainability, architecture and design come together in a set of urbanistic proposals based on three values or revolutions -that's what they call it-: the green revolution, the digital revolution and the identity revolution.   

In the past, generations have been able to imagine or dream urban futures, cities imagined on the basis of the value system in force in each generation. Today, despite the serious crises affecting us, undeniable values are emerging among the new generations.”

- Roger Subirà, teacher at La Salle-URL

These three values have been reinforced in recent years due to the growing generational and technological transformation. And it is from this premise that the discourse of Somia la ciutat is born.  

As a differential element, the exhibition includes an interactive installation so that everyone who visits the Palau Robert can build a city through the well-known Minecraft -video construction game-.  

The exhibition - characteristics and development  

The exhibition includes current urban projects, prototypes and technological innovations that enhance the visitor experience.   

It shows us a set of innovative and optimistic urbanistic proposals that are being tested in Catalonia and around the world to address the problems shared by the vast majority of cities.”

- Roger Subirà, teacher at La Salle-URL

All of them linked to the revolutions -green, digital and identity- will show images, videos and models focused on all audiences -not only the technical-. With the firm objective of including the audience and imagining a future that connects our cities.

Participation and collaboration of La Salle-URL  

The exhibition, which has been commissioned by the Generalitat de Catalunya, features Roger Subirà, architect and professor at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura La Salle-URL (ETSALS), Guillem Villa, campus professor in the area of engineering, the Institute of Advanced Architecture and the participation of students from the degrees in Multimedia Engineering, Computer Engineering and Animation & VFX.  

The proposal highlights the importance of training professionals committed to innovation and sustainable development in the urban environment. With an installation in which users can design their ideal city, they are invited to innovate from the creation and planning of the cities of the future.  

Encouraging cross-cutting work and projects, La Salle-URL invites everyone to attend the exhibition and discover the possibilities offered by the new technological and digital world.   

Do you want to train in architecture, installation design or multimedia engineering? Discover La Salle-URL! 




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