Blog del grupo de investigación GRITS. Redes de próxima generación para el Internet del futuro, Fog Computing e Internet de las cosas para implementar nuestros diseños personalizados en nubes híbridas ciberseguras, en sistemas de almacenamiento a gran escala y comunicaciones de larga distancia.

22 Mayo 2012 | Publicado por Editorial Team GRITS

LOST Project: Learning platfOrm for Security Training

The aim of the LOST Project (Learning platfOrm for Security Training), developed by "La Salle - Ramon Llull University" in collaboration with ISECOM, the "Institute for Security and Open Methodologies", is the development of an eLearning environment that helps security trainers the teaching of hands-on technological knowledge on security testing and auditing, and engages students in the security world from the Ethical Hacking perspective. This environment is based on an eLearning Platform, a Testbed, a Management Interface, Learning Materials and a list of proposals for New Developments for our students that allows us to make to project grow and evolve. With this project our students learn by doing, improve their technical skills, participate in the development an exciting project and challenge themselves exploring the "deep blue sea" of IT security. More info at: LOST Project


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