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11 November 2013 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle - URL collaborates with the 18th week of science

La Salle Campus Barcelona - URL will participate in the 18th Week of Science by organizing two workshops on the following 20th and 22nd November. The workshop on Wednesday 20th will be about zoobotica and will be carried out by the professor from La Salle Campus Barcelona - URL, Jordi Albó . If you want to learn about robotic pets, such as the dinosaur PLEO, this is your opportunity. In the workshop you will learn how stuffed animals are robotized and how they help children who spend long stays in hospital or that are recovering from a skull or brain trauma or the way they are used to help the elderly.  You will learn to put them to use and you will understand how they work. The workshop, that will begin with an introductory lecture will start at 17:30h at La Salle Campus Barcelona - URL and will last 2 hours. And if you prefer to know how radio waves work to communicate and transmit information, don't miss the workshop on Friday  22nd on Radio-communications  carried out by Radio Club La Salle and Joan Lluís Pijoan from the La Salle Communications research group. In this workshop they will teach you how to explore different areas of the radio-electric spectrum to find radio stations, television, mobile phone emissions, etc. This workshop will also begin with an introductory lecture at 17:30h at La Salle Campus Barcelona - URL and will finish 2 hours later with an interactive demonstration. Attendance to both workshops is free but the number of places is limited.  It is necessary to confirm your attendance before November  15th either by telephone to the number  932902432 or by sending an email.


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