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13 November 2013 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle – URL joins the celebration of the World Television Day the following 21st of November

La Salle Campus Barcelona – URL joins in the Anniversary of the World Television Day that will have place the following 21st November.  Communications have become one of the main and most important issues in today’s world, both for their relevance in the world’s economy as well as for their repercussion on social and cultural development. And within the field of communications, television has a leading role, given its great influence on society. For this reason, in 1996 the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the 21st November as World Television Day. One day before this event, on Wednesday 20th of November, the Col·legi Oficial d’Enginyers Tècnics i Pèrits de Telecomunicació de Catalunya (COETTC) has organized a day for the celebration of World Television Day which is called "The recession and DTT: realities and chimeras”. This event will take place on the 20th November 2013 in the Conference Room of Via Laietana, 39, Barcelona and aims to provide an overview of today’s DTT: how the recession has affected it, whether investments have paid off or if we are still only half way and new proposals for the future. Intelligent Interconnected Television (Smart TV) will also be discussed. The event will start at 10am and end at 1pm with a closing ceremony presided by the Dean of COETTC, Ferran Amago. You can check the programme and register for free via e-mail. Don’t miss it!


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