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18 April 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle Alumni organizes an event to celebrate the different anniversaries of the institution "NowInTheFuture"

  La Salle Alumni, the La Salle Alumni Association of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL, will celebrate an event on April 21st to celebrate the most significant milestones commemorated this year. This event is part of the movement #NowInTheFuture born as an integrating and dynamic movement of the entire group of students and Alumni of La Salle Campus Barcelona, who will have the opportunity to meet and create links between different generations and fields of knowledge in a festive atmosphere. During the ceremony, all profiles that are and have been part of the institution will come together, putting particular emphasis on the most important anniversaries that have place this academic year: the 50th anniversary of telecommunications studies, the 15 years of the Master in Project Management (MPM), the 30 years of the Master in Business Administration (MBA) and the 15 years of La Salle Technova Barcelona (Technology and Innovation Park of La Salle). For each of these areas, a specific act has been designed. Thus, from 5.00 pm, Alumni of the Master in Project Management (MPM) La Salle will meet to make one of the most memorable activities: the construction of a control tower with Lego pieces. And the challenge is to build the higher Lego tower ever done in the MPM. La Salle Technova, which celebrates its 15th anniversary, will offer an open day in the afternoon; MBA students participate in a Role Play; and in architecture, former students who have taken different career paths will gather to explain their personal experiences. In addition, La Salle Alumni will announce the changes that have occurred in the institution as well as new services and resources available to its Alumni. The website created for the event and for registration is:


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