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18 April 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

3DayStartup challenge 2016 at La Salle-URL

With the aim of providing new opportunities for university students, on the 20th, 21st and 2nd May La Salle Technova co - organizes a new edition of the 3DayStartup , an event where 40 students selected from universities across Spain face a challenge: to start their own Big Data based company in three days. On the first day the 40 participants, with 40 ideas, have to "sell" it to their companions, and a short list of the most attractive ideas is made. At the end of the day the 5-8 most popular ideas are chosen and definite work teams are formed. From that moment, participants do market research, build prototypes and prepare for the final presentation with the help of mentors specialists in different disciplines. On Sunday, the last day of the event, the final project presentations are carried out before the panel of experts. The ultimate goal is to promote entrepreneurship among young people. College students can become aware of the resources at their disposal; have access to a multidisciplinary team; create their own business project; and submit it to the judgment of technological experts and real investors. 3DayStartup arises in order to give youth new tools to manage their future. In a time when very prepared young people leave our country seeking job opportunities, 3DayStartup seeks for these college students to decide to create a sustainable and long term project in their country, but with an international vision, so that the talent of Spanish companies becomes the exportable item. Registration is open until May 12th in: .For further information please contact


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