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17 May 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle-URL in the VFX b'Ars Festival 2016

Next June 2nd-5th the festival b'Ars, Barcelona International Arts & VFX Fair will take place in Barcelona, a trade fair specialized in the VFX industry in a new way, bringing together the best creative talents in an informal and fun way. The director of the festival is Felix Balbas, also director of the Degree in Animation & VFX of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL. LA Salle-URL will be present at the fair every day with a stand and on Sunday June 5th, the day of open doors to the public, the ceremony of the 2nd edition of the Competition Animation & VFX will have place. The contest will award the best works in animation and visual effects in each of the three categories, which will receive a grant of 30% in the enrolment of the Degree in Animation of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL Course 2016-2017. b'Ars is designed for both professionals and students in the sector, with a focus on the creative part of the process of filmmaking and production in the cloud. During the festival, different conferences and workshops will have place.


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