News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

25 October 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle Universities launches the 8th edition of its international competition for pre-university students

La Salle university centers in Europe celebrate this year the 8th edition of the competition LSdreams, a competition aimed at pre-university students from La Salle centers between 16 and 20 years. Its main objective is to motivate the inclusion of ethical values in the development of research projects that improve their social environment. LSdreams aims to transmit to students a series of values inherent to La Salle such as teamwork, innovation, creativity and problem-solving. At the same time, it wants to promote the creation of vocations in the areas of knowledge in which projects have to be developed: Engineering, Architecture, Business Management, Health and Life Sciences and Earth.

Students who wish to participate must focus their project on improving their nearest environment and organize themselves into groups of three people. Each of these groups is supervised by a tutor from their own centre who will guide and assist in the process. In order to enhance the collaborative and international dimension of the competition, the possibility of participating in the LSdreams mode is also offered by the collaborative project, which offers the option of joint participation between two teams from two different schools in the same or different country.

This type of collaboration will be taken into account in the jury's decision, where the best project will be decided in each of the five categories mentioned. The winners in each category, along with their tutor, will travel to Barcelona between May 11 and 13 and will present their project on the university campus of La Salle-URL. There will also be an Extraordinary Award LSdreams, for the project that the jury considers the best of those presented. This prize will consist of an iPad mini for each member of the winning team and their guardian. The registration period is now open until next November 12 in the official website of the project.


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