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25 October 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

A park management project wins the best work award Final of the Master's Degree in high performance web programming from La Salle-URL

This week took place in La Salle the gala of delivery of the prize to the best final project of the Master in high-performance web programming. The jury who valued the work was formed by Albert Lombarte, CEO of Brutale Engineering; Gorka López de Torre, Software Engineer at Ulabox; and Marc Rivero, an expert in cybersecurity.

The Jury decided that the project of Jordi Pallarés and Jordi Campeny, a CMS (content management system) for parking management in Parkimeter, was the winner of the gala. Both students are La Salle engineers, IT and multimedia, and Pallarés already has experience in creating projects since he founded the music download website. In this final Master's work, the entire development process of a platform is developed that has the purpose of creating and managing web pages for parking registered and linked to Parkimeter. Its main objective is to create a software where the entities or owners of parking have the possibility to create their own web page while managing it through the editing and creation of its contents. To carry it out, different services have been linked together. These services are, on the one hand, the Front, which has the main function of displaying content for users and, on the other hand, the Back, where the administrators of a car park can edit their contents, while, depending on the role, They may sign up for other parking and assign administrative users. Both services communicate with a central API, which has the main objective of persisting and managing all the data regarding the parking, contents and users.