Blog by the Media Technologies research group (GTM). Researching interactions between humans, machines and their environments.

11 March 2021 | Posted by Editorial Team GTM

The GTM organized two special sessions and presented 6 works in the e-Forum Acusticum 2020

The e-Forum Acusticum 2020 took place as an online version from December 7 to December 11, 2020. 700 oral presentations and 56 poster presentations were proposed to the 1100 attendees.

The GTM organized 2 special sessions and presented 6 works in the congress. The special sessions were:

The six papers were presented by GTM researchers Dr. Marc Arnela, Prof. Oriol Guasch and Dr. Jie Deng from the acoustics research line and by Prof. Francesc Alías from the signal processing line. Those works were performed in collaboration with the GTM researchers Dr. Arnau Pont and Carme Martínez-Suquía from the acoustics line, and Ferran Orga, Dr. Rosa M. Alsina-Pagès and Dr. Joan Claudi Socoró from the signal processing line. Find listed below the complete list of publications.


On voice production simulation:

  • Marc Arnela, David Ureña (2020), “Modelling the piriform fossae using tuned two-dimensional vocal tracts in the finite element simulation of vowels,” e-Forum Acusticum 2020, December 7-11, Lyon, France.
  • Oriol Guasch, Marc Arnela, Arnau Pont (2020), “Computational aeroacoustics strategies for the simulation of voice sequences involving fricatives,” e-Forum Acusticum 2020, December 7-11, Lyon, France.


On parametric acoustic loudspeakers:

  • Marc Arnela, Carme Martínez-Suquía, Oriol Guasch (2020), “Exponential sine sweeps to measure the directivity of an omnidirectional parametric loudspeaker,” e-Forum Acusticum 2020, December 7-11, Lyon, France.


On environmental acoustics:

  • Francesc Alías, Ferran Orga, Rosa M. Alsina-Pagès, Joan Claudi Socoró; "Analysis of the Impact of Anomalous Noise Events on Road Traffic Noise Levels Computation from Urban and Suburban WASNs in real operation",  9th Forum Acusticum ("Smart cities and Sensors" structured session), e-FA2020, 7-11 December 2020, Lyon, France


On acoustic black holes:

  • Jie Deng, Oriol Guasch and Ling Zheng (2020); "Waveguides of annular acoustic black holes for the conduction and focusing of flexural waves in plates", e-Forum Acusticum 2020, December 7-11, Lyon (France).
  • Jie Deng, Oriol Guasch, Laurent Maxit and Ling Zheng (2020); "Statistical modal Energy distribution Analysis to determine the transmission loss of a plate with acoustic black hole indentations", e-Forum Acusticum 2020, December 7-11, Lyon (France).




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