International Institute on Innovation, IT Management and Entrepreneurship. Services on business models, ecosystems, digital transformation efforts.

20 April 2015 | Posted by Innova Institute

NITIM Research Seminar Barcelona

As part of our series of NITIM Research Seminars organized by UOC, La Salle, IESE and ESADE, last Friday April 10th a new edition was held. This time UOC hosted the event and we had the presentation of a PhD candidate, a recent PhD and a Faculty Member.

Ferran Giones, a PhD candidate in La Salle – URL presented the advances in his dissertation “Venture Emergence in New Technology-based Firms”; Josep M. Marco, a recent PhD at UOC offered a view on his dissertation “Public IS/IT Outsourcing: Literature Review, In depth Case and Future Research". Finally Professor Joan Antoni Pastor, from UOC presented “A Service-Oriented Perspective towards Research in Information Systems”.

To conclude with the event the “Catalan Industrial Doctorate Program” was discussed by participants and the two OUC starting theses under the program were presented.

NITIM at OUC April 10 2015

