International Institute on Innovation, IT Management and Entrepreneurship. Services on business models, ecosystems, digital transformation efforts.

19 May 2015 | Posted by Innova Institute

Third NITIM Research Seminar Barcelona

As part of our series of NITIM Research Seminars, last Friday May 15th the third Seminar organized by ESADE, LA SALLE –URL, IESE and UOC took place at ESADE Sant Cugat Campus.

This time Professors, a Post Doc and a PhD candidate exposed their research works: Professor Ann Majchrzak from Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California presented her work with title "Innovation from Crowds: Does the Order in which Knowledge is Shared During Innovation Challenges Affect the Innovativeness of Ideas Produced?

Then, Professor Terri Griffith, from Leavey Business School, Santa Clara University presented her work on Systems Savvy: Theory, Measurement, and Impact.

Dr. Brian Gozun from La Salle - URL explained his research projects on Crisis Management and Innovation.

Finally, Alexander Chekanov, PhD Candidate in ESADE shared the advances in his dissertation "Architectural Control Points and Platform Generativity: The Atari and Nintendo Cases”.

After such an interesting and fruitful encounter, let's see what the next edition will bring us!

ESADE Research Seminar

