Two weeks ago, Burçin Guçlu, PhD. and researcher of the GREITM research group at La Salle - URL presented her work on "WHAT BASKETBALL FANS SAY ON TWITTER: EVIDENCE FROM EUROLEAGUE" at the Academy of Management specialized conference on Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy. The work is part of the project between La Salle – URL and Euroleague and its abstract is the following:
“Social media receives growing interest from sports executives. Yet, very little is known about how to make use of such user-generated, unstructured data. By exploring tweets generated during Turkish Airlines Euroleague’s Final Four event, which broadcasted the four tournaments of championship among four finalist teams, we studied how fans respond to gains and losses, and how engaged they were during games through the course of the event. We found that favorable reactions were received when teams won, but the magnitude of unfavorable reaction was larger when teams lost. When it came to the organizer rather than the teams, the organizer of the event received most of the positive feedbacks. We also found that main source of tweets was smartphones while tablets were not among real time feedback devices”.
You can find more details and information about the specialized conference on Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy of the Academy of Management here.
The picture is from a tweet of from Professor Christopher Tucci, Professor at EPFL College of Management of Technology, who attended Burçin´s session. What a nice surprise!