Routa de la tapa

Have you ever been to Les Glòries shopping centre (Centre Comercial Les Glòries)? Personally I’ve never been, but I will for sure try to go within the next few days. The reason for this is the “Ruta de la Tapa 2015”, a tapas event organised by the Les Glòries shopping centre to promote their food court.
Until the 20th of February, you can get a tapa and a drink for only 2.95€ if you ask for the “Tapaporte” card in any of the participating restaurants. You should bring this card to the corresponding restaurants and make sure you get a stamp. If you achieve five or more stamps, the Customer Service Point will give you a gift, and you will also enter a competition to win one out of four dining gift cards of 500€ for the restaurants in Glòries as well as a competition to win a Carrefour Travel Agency Voucher of the value of 1000€.
The restaurants participating are: Frutas del Mundo, Andrés, Giovanni, McDonalds, Udon, Butipà, Casa Palet, Can Culleretes, Shokolatt, Mediterranean, Drink & Eat, Be Japó, Panchito, Enrique Tomás, Cañas y Tapas, Ingredientes Café and Casa Palet
The “Ruta de la Tapa" will take place everyday until the 20th of February, and it will start around 12.00.