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13 February 2014 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Society, Belief and Thought seminars returns with a series dedicated to coexistence and cooperation

A conference by the educator and Vice Chancellor of Ramon Llull University, Dr. Jordi Riera, on the 30th January begins the fifth edition of the "Society, Belief and Thought" seminars. Pere Casaldàliga room will host the opening of this series coorganized by the Claret Foundation and La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL. From the perspective of Christian humanism, which defends the full realization of man and human issues within a framework of Christian principles, we present this year's series of "Society, Belief and Thought" entitled "Coexistence and Cooperation". In a supposedly more atomized and at the same time global society, in a context of deep crisis, examples of cooperation and social harmony can be detected which are worth  considering in the construction of a revised model of society, evolved and interconnected. With these seminars the aim is to delve deeper into successful cases of social leadership, which give priority to the needs of the community and can become an inspiring guide for other institutions, groups or individuals who seek to live in peace for the mutual and universal good. Next Thursday’s event is the first of a program consisting of six sessions that will be held the last Thursday of each month until June 26. This initiative has the support of the Fundació Escola Cristiana de Catalunya, Fundació Justícia i Pau , Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona and the Archdiocese of Barcelona.


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