News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

13 February 2014 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

The dean of Xiamen University participates in the jury of the Architecture final degree projects

A delegation from Xiamen University visited La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL to participate in the assessment of our architecture students’ final projects. Profesor Ling Shide, Dean of the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Xiamen University (Fujian Province, China), led the expedition that made the most of this visit to our university to get to know Barcelona and its architecture by the hand of  Dr. Robert Terradas, Director of the School of Architecture of La Salle. The representatives of this university located on the west coast of the East China Sea were pleasantly surprised by the quality of La Salle students’ work and their command of 1:1 scale. At the same time, they have explored the possible paths for collaboration that contribute to the internationalization of the students from both centers.


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