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07 April 2014 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Our former student Ignacio Belda, awarded with the Prince of Girona Company prize 2014

The former student of Computer Engineering at La Salle Ignacio Belda has been awarded with the prize  Prince of Girona Company prize 2014 in recognition for the work carried out from his companies, which are engaged in the design of new drugs through artificial intelligence. The jury praised his entrepreneurial spirit in the biomedical field "with great effort and an international vocation." In 2007, our former student created the company Intelligent Pharma. He also created SOM Research companies, as well as an Intelligent Pharma subsidiary company in the United States.  Our congratulations to Nacho, who was part of the research group  in Intelligent Systems at our university, founding member of Ramon Llull University.


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