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11 June 2014 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Architecture students from La Salle involved in the BCN RE.SET project

The School of Architecture of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URLparticipates in the BCN RE.SET project, a street circuit with seven artistic and architectural constructions for different public spaces in the city of Barcelona that propose a reflection on concepts such as identity, freedom, democracy, diversity, memory and Europe. A group of architecture students from La Salle-URL coordinated by Professor Jaime Font, are working with one of these seven creations, located in Barcelona’s Plaça Nova, just opposite the Cathedral. The spectacular wooden construction that our students are building will be displayed in the very heart of the city until September. During this year Barcelona celebrates the 300 years anniversary of the September 11, 1714 events. Within the program of events programmed to commemorate the Tercentenary BCN, Benedetta Tagliabue  (EMBT / Enric Miralles Foundation) along with the director Alex Ollé (Fura) collaborate in the commemoration with the project BCN RE.SET.


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