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11 June 2014 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Deloitte and La Salle-URL will offer a new Master in Cybersecurity

Deloitte and La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL will jointly offer a new Master in CybersecurityThe General Director of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL, Josep M. Santos and the Technology Risks Partner at Deloitte Spain, César Martín, have signed an agreement that will allow students from this master to receive Network Security management training from the hand of Deloitte professionals. Furthermore, they will have the possibility of participating in practical projects undertaken in the Global Cybersecurity Operations Center Deloitte CyberSOC. After receiving the necessary theoretical base, students will work with Deloitte professionals in the development of projects on topics such as ethical hacking or monitoring of security alerts. Thus, La Salle-URL and Deloitte aim to train professionals that are capable of meeting the demand for experts in the management of network security in our country, which is estimated to be more than 20,000 jobs in the next two years.


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