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15 June 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Delivery of La Salle-URL Animation & VFX contest prize

On Sunday June 14th during the closing ceremony of the VFX Festival b'ars the prize for the Animation & VFX contest organized by La Salle-URL was awarded. The prize, worth 4,260 euros, consists of a 50% scholarship for the registration to the first year of the Degree in Animation and VFX at La Salle-URL. After examining all the papers presented, the jury decided unanimously to award the prize to Thais Torrents for the talent and potential demonstrated, aesthetic taste, movements and filming. All those who participated in the contest could submit three types of works: design a character, a synopsis of a script and the creation of an animation. At the time of deliberation, the jury took into account different aspects to assess each job: technical quality, creativity and originality, feasibility of the project and provided innovation. The Convent dels Àngels of Barcelona hosted the event, which was attended by a large audience coinciding with the open day of the festival b'ars. The jury, chaired by Mr. Felix Balbas, head of the Animation Degree at La Salle-URL, consisted of Gabriel Fernandez and Sergi Villagrasa, Academic Director and Coordinator of the Degree respectively; Sergio Jimenez, founder of post23; and Carlos Grangel of Grangel Studio and jury spokesperson. The jury highly appreciated the high turnout of the first edition of the competition, with 25 participants, and congratulated them all for their excellent work and the quality of the pieces presented. In addition, they encouraged all candidates to further develop their skills in the new degree of La Salle-URL. Grangel also said that the works presented all showed very significant aspects in areas such as proportions of the characters created, camera focus, inventiveness in solving problems and proposals of a high difficulty of realization. You can see pictures of the event on Flickr.
