News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

15 December 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

International schools visit La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL

From the 15th to 17th November, three heads of international schools visited the campus of La Salle-URL: Rose Marie Debans, Counsellor of the International School of Paris; Sonja Phongsavanh, Counsellor of the Yew Chung International School of Shanghai; and Rubin Borges, Director of the International School of Almere. The three stayed at the RESA La Salle Campus residence and visited the facilities of the University. In addition, they met with the heads of international programs and learned about the city. The stay ended on November 17th and from Barcelona, two of the international schools representatives, together with members of La Salle, travelled to Edinburgh for the Council of International Schools Forum 2015. This event began the next day, November 18th. The CIS Forum is an annual international meeting of school directors and university representatives. On November 18th La Salle carried out a presentation with ESADE and IE about studying in Spain attended by a large number of people. The good reception of the presentation evidenced the interest in studies in Spain among the international community and the existing special attention on studying in the country. The closing ceremony took place the following day, November 19th, during which it was announced that next year's Forum will be in Barcelona. This will be a great opportunity for the visibility of the studies and universities in the city.
