Brother Esneider Gutierrez Rivera, Ph.D. candidate visited La Salle's GREITM research group for his doctoral stay.

During January and February, the student Manuel Esneider Gutiérrez Rivera, Ph.D. candidate in the administration program at the University of Medellín (Colombia), visited the GREITM research group during his doctoral stay at La Salle Campus - Ramón Llull University, trusting the support of Dr. Francesc Miralles.
Brother Esneider is currently directing the educational processes of the Norandino Lasallian District in Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela, which leads around 50 schools and colleges and two Higher Education Centers. One of the aspects to highlight about his work is the attempt to analyze the different dimensions that would guarantee current and future performance in Catholic schools. His research stems from genuine concerns about the continuity of the Lasallian educational proposal, taking into consideration the environmental, economic, social, and governance dimensions. Brother Esneider's research focus is encouraged by the Christian call of God for the care of the typical home with the encyclical 'Laudato Si', the Global Educational Pact, and the Environmental Education Plan for sustainable development.
The research is grounded as well, on organizational theories, in particular, the firm and stakeholders’ theory, considering corporate sustainability in terms of overall organizational performance with societal well-being and environmental quality.
This transnational research involves countries such as Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Chile. The doctoral stay at Ramon Llull University has been possible thanks to the strong relationship with the Lasallian community and network. The Ramón Lull University has contributed to improving the research technique and modeling with structural equations. In sum, the research results present some dimensions the Lasallian and Catholic schools should consider to guarantee their sustainability and identity vitality over time.