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27 March 2023 | Posted by angela.tuduri

Cybersecurity management concepts and social environment: CISO's profile

What is needed for the CISO to develop an effective security plan in an organization?

The rise of cyber attacks and the complexity of keeping cyber security safe and sound is already one of the biggest challenges in the business world.  

The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks and the growing dependence on technology in business, makes the need for cyber security experts become more and more important.  

That is where the profile of the CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) emerges, in charge of leading the management of cybersecurity in an organization. In this post, we bring you the most frequently asked questions about the functions and skills that a director in corporate cybersecurity management will need. 

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Definition - The CISO promotes security awareness and culture in the organization

The CISO is responsible for information security management in an organization, and his role is fundamental in strategic decision making. 

Its main objectives include ensuring the protection of the company's information assets, including confidential customer data, intellectual property and sensitive information. 

A CISO must be aware of the social environment in cybersecurity management. This includes the organization's culture and security awareness, in addition to social trends and perceptions regarding digital security. The CISO must be able to foster a culture of security throughout the organization and educate employees on security best practices.  

Importance of cybersecurity in today's world 

The importance of cybersecurity today is growing, as cyber threats have increased significantly in recent years, affecting companies, organizations and governments around the world. 

Cyber threats have a major impact on information security and privacy, as well as on business continuity and organizational reputation. Cybersecurity is essential to protect companies and their customers from cyberattacks, data theft and digital fraud -among others-. Therefore, the CISO is the profile in charge of ensuring information security and protection against cyber threats. 

Functions of the CISO  

What functions does the CISO perform to design and control a cybersecurity plan to secure the company's assets? 

Cybersecurity Management Responsibilities 

The CISO is responsible for the organization's overall cybersecurity strategy, and works collaboratively with other ICT team members to ensure the security of the company's infrastructure, systems and data.  

The CISO must be aware of the environment, trends and emerging cyber threats to develop plans to mitigate and respond to risks. 

Coordination with other departments

The CISO works in conjunction with other departments, including human resources, legal and compliance. In this way, we ensure security procedures are consistent with current policies. The CISO also works with managers from business-focused departments to better understand security requirements and ensure that they are integrated across all business areas.  

Development and implementation of policies and procedures 

Finally, the CISO will be responsible for developing effective cybersecurity policies, ensuring their implementation throughout the organization. He or she will need to ensure employee training in cybersecurity practices and develop threat and incident response plans, preventing a security breach.  

CISO Profile  

The Chief Information Security Officer's training must include in his or her profile characteristics such as:  

Personal characteristics 

It is important that the CISO is a good communicator and has the skills to work with other departments in the company, such as IT, finance, legal... to ensure that security standards are met. 

  1. Communication: The CISO must be a good communicator to effectively convey security risks and necessary solutions to members of the organization.  

  1. Trust: One of the most important and necessary aspects that a CISO must include in his professional profile is trust and discretion. Business confidence in the CISO must be maximum in order to be able to carry out all his functions.  

  1. Project management skills: Project management skills, in order to design and execute effective security initiatives will also be necessary. 

  1. Decision-making in changing environments: The CISO has to make quick decisions in a changing environment such as IT security, so including qualities of this type will be important in managerial profiles. 

  1. Lead and motivate teams: The CISO must be able to lead and motivate his or her security team, to maintain a strong security culture in the organization. 

Qualities necessary for success in the position 

In terms of technical skills, the CISO must have an in-depth knowledge of the technology and security solutions used in the organization. He/she must be able to identify and assess security risks and take measures to reduce them.  

  1. Critical Decision Making: The CISO must be able to make critical decisions in crisis situations, quickly and effectively. 

  1. Analyze risks: a strong ability to analyze risks and assess potential impacts on the organization's security is necessary.  

  1. Teamwork: The manager must work as a team with other departments in the organization in order to coordinate and carry out security projects. 

  1. Computer security: The CISO must have in-depth technical knowledge of computer security in order to direct and coordinate the organization's security efforts. 

CISO competencies, skills and training  

In addition to working in a team, knowing the business environment and the basic concepts of IT security, the CISO must include in his or her training competencies and skills that will help him or her make decisions and lead cybersecurity teams.  

This set of features includes implementing security policies and procedures, monitoring the security of information systems, managing security incidents, and training employees on security issues.  

The fundamentals of cybersecurity are based on the knowledge 

Understanding corporate governance, data governance and the business environment will be the first task performed by the CISO in an organization.  

The CISO should know:  

  1. Critical areas 

  1. Sensitive assets 

  1. Weaknesses - vulnerability 

It will be the CISO who will be responsible for understanding the environment and establishing the best practices that will be implemented from that moment on.  

In this same way, the organizational culture will help the CISO develop an information security strategy that applies to the entire business team and supports all departments.  

Governance standards will also be established to better understand the cybersecurity ecosystem.  

Legal framework  

In terms of conceptual aspects, the CISO must have a thorough understanding of the legal and regulatory aspects related to information security.  

Must be able to ensure that the company complies with laws and regulations related to privacy and data protection.   

Current challenges for the CISO - Training at La Salle-URL 

The constant evolution of cyber threats, the technological complexity of information and the ever-changing security management are updating the managerial profile of the cybersecurity manager.  

Now, the CISO must update the threats and trends in cybersecurity by taking the necessary measures to mitigate the risk. The need then to raise awareness of information security issues among managers is increasing, creating new programs to boost this knowledge and skills.  

At La Salle-URL we promote the future of our students, offering them a complete training in all our areas of knowledge. Currently, cybersecurity leads the business needs in charge of improving digital transformation processes. Getting to a connected and secure environment is the next big challenge for professionals in the technology and ICT sector.  

If you want to train in a pioneering university, discover the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity Management where you will develop the basics of computer security and be able to develop a business cybersecurity plan, focused on the sensitive assets of the organization. Boost your future with La Salle-URL! 



Master of Science in Cibersecurity Management

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