ENERHAT/ENERPAT was presented in the IV Fòrum sobre Medi Ambient i Món Local

The IV Fòrum sobre Medi Ambient i Món Local is an event organized by Diputació de Barcelona (Provincial Council) that takes place every four years. It is a meeting point for public and private agents operating in the environmental sector as well as an opportunity for local administrations to disseminate and share their work done. This year’s forum took place at Món Sant Benet, in Sant Fruitós de Bages, on the 19th and 20th February. The programme was structured in four themes: energy transition, adaptation to climate change, circular economy and environmental governance.
Within the section dedicated to energy transition, there were a series of short presentations by companies, research groups and local administrations, which presented the results of their work.
Leandro Madrazo presented the results of the ENERSI research project, co-funded by the “Retos Colaboración” programme of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The project consists of two on-line applications to promote the rehabilitation of the residential building stock, by facilitating information about the buildings’ energy efficiency, which integrate data from multiple sources (energy performance certificates, building technical inspections, cadastre, geographic data and census):
ENERHAT (Energy Housing Assessment Tool) is an application that enables tenants, owners and real estate agents to obtain information on energy labels and the state of conservation of residential buildings, to compare the energy efficiency of the dwellings with similar dwellings, to assess the investment needed to carry out improvements and finally to apply for subsidies to undertake the reform.
ENERPAT (Energy Planning Assessment Tool), is an application that enables professionals in the building sector (architects, urban planners, builders, technicians and municipal managers) to assess the state of the residential building stock and define rehabilitation strategies to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings.
The presentations in this session highlighted the active involvement of local administrations in the province of Barcelona to support energy transition, as well as the complementarity between the various initiatives carried out by the town councils, private companies and research groups.