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28 February 2023 | Posted by Innova Institute

Fàtima Canseco López and her experience in the BOKU University of Vienna.

Fàtima Canseco López, a Ph.D. student of GREITM, will briefly share with us her experience in the BOKU University of Vienna, where she has had the possibility to do a doctoral stay during three months.

Fàtima, can you tell us something about your experience in Vienna? Why did you decide to go there?

During the months of November'22 to January'23, I did a doctoral stay at the Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) in Austria as part of the Erasmus+ program.
This stay is one of the necessary requirements in order to obtain the European Mention of my Ph.D. degree once I obtain it.
Why? Well, before the pandemic and during my research I contacted a researcher and professor at the University of Graz (Austria) following an article he had just published and over time, he put me in touch with a female researcher from BOKU University who was working on a line of research connected at certain points to mine. From that relationship with her arose a friendship and a certainly regular contact in relation to our respective investigations. This researcher, Laura Hundscheid, came during the spring of 2022 to La Salle and afterwards, I decided to spend my stay at her university.
What has this experience taught you?

Stepping out of your usual environment for a few months leads to growth on all levels.
First of all, although speaking of European countries, the Austrian culture is different from the Spanish one. Therefore, integrating into everyday life and finding your place is a good starting point. From there, feeling part of the host research group (and being made to feel part) is paramount. This involves interacting with people, sharing moments (conversations, seminars, debates, classes). I felt involved from minute 1 and without a doubt, one more member of the team.
During my stay, I was able to see other points of view on research, other methodologies, get to know other lines of research, projects that are being carried out, in which it is about to start or in which it has planned to submit proposals (projects linked to SDG 2).
Everything is an enrichment. You return to what was your usual environment more open-minded, with more ideas, different. But the most important thing is that you have done an intensive networking in which both the professional and the more personal parts have been mixed and that from now on, you need to cultivate and maintain this network of people so that it gets stronger and continues growing up.

Thanks Fàtima to share your experience with us.
Fàtima is on the verge of finishing her doctoral process at the Innova Institute, we congratulate with her about the enriching experience done and we wish her luck for the next steps of her research career. She can be contacted at fatima.canseco

Authors: Fàtima Canseco and GREITM Editorial Team



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