The AI Observatory at La Salle Campus Barcelona focuses on the latest developments and trends in artificial intelligence. Its goal is to provide clear explanations and guidance to naviagate the constantly evolving world of AI.

20 December 2018 | Posted by Editorial Team GTM

Final meeting of the European project Built2Spect

It is been 4 years of intensive research in the Buil2Spect project, funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European commission. The GTM has actively participated as one of the international partners that conformed the consortium. Now the project has reached the end, and it was time to present the last results. The final meeting was performed in Milan, Italy, from the 11th to the 14th of December 2018. The researchers from the acoustics area of the GTM, Oriol Guasch and Marc Arnela, have been showing these days the new Omnidirectional Parametric Loudspeaker (OPL) prototype developed during the project. In the picture we can see them during the demo performed in one of the pilot tests in Milan, together with the new OPL prototype and a standard omnidirectional loudspeaker.

More information about Built2Spect can be found in the official webpage of the project:

Read more about the OPL in the following open access publication:

Marc Arnela, Oriol Guasch, Patricia Sánchez-Martín, Joan Camps, Rosa Ma Alsina-Pagès and Carme Martínez-Suquía (2018), “Construction of an Omnidirectional Parametric Loudspeaker consisting in a Spherical Distribution of Ultrasound Transducers“, Sensors, 18 (12).

This work was supported by the BUILT2SPEC project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant No. 637221.
