Exploring the Role of Generative AI for Economic Sustainability in Rural Tourism: Insights from ENTER2025 Dr. Maryam Vaziri, a researcher at the Innova Institute, recently had the enriching experience of attending ENTER2025: The 32nd ENTER eTourism Conference in Wrocław Showing 171 posts 17 May 2021 Ecosystems, parks and innovation centers: are there differences between them? 04 May 2021 Gabriela Balladares Ph.D., tells us about her research process at the Innova Institute and her path towards her doctorate 23 March 2021 One of our researchers has recently published an article about Business Model Dynamics in the Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 01 March 2021 Through the complexity of organizations 12 January 2021 Challenges of digital transformation: 5 lessons on coherence between strategy and digital transformation 23 December 2020 Challenges of digital transformation: 5 lessons on organizational learning and competitiveness 24 July 2020 Creative ideas for challenging times: Exploring the new reality for sports events 23 June 2020 Organizational behavior in times of COVID-19 Pages« primero ‹ anterior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 … siguiente › última »