The AI Observatory at La Salle Campus Barcelona focuses on the latest developments and trends in artificial intelligence. Its goal is to provide clear explanations and guidance to naviagate the constantly evolving world of AI.

01 August 2024 | Posted by angela.tuduri

Khanmigo | The AI-based virtual tutor

Khan Academy launches a tutoring tool for both students and teachers.

Khanmigo is an AI-powered assistance and tutoring tool developed by Khan Academy. This tool is designed to help both students and teachers.  

What is Khanmigo's proposition?  

For students, Khanmigo provides real-time support in a wide range of academic subjects, including mathematics, sciences, coding, history, and humanities. Instead of simply giving answers, Khanmigo guides students to discover the answers themselves, thereby fostering active and critical learning.  

For teachers, Khanmigo simplifies administrative and educational planning tasks, allowing for the rapid creation of lesson plans, quizzes, rubrics, and other educational materials aligned with educational standards. Additionally, it provides summaries of recent student achievements to help teachers identify areas that need more support.  

Development status | Commercially available  

Khanmigo is also a safe and ethical tool, designed to protect student data privacy and security. Available to users through a monthly or annual subscription, this tool is revolutionizing the field of education with the advanced use of artificial intelligence. 

