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15 June 2023 | Posted by angela.tuduri

Lead the way towards sustainability and technology in projects with La Salle-URL

Boost your future in project management with the new specializations in sustainable and cyber-physical projects.

In today's world, efficient project management plays a fundamental role in terms of sustainability and technology.  

The current demand for professionals trained to develop sustainable and digital projects is increasing, needing to adapt the essential techniques and skills of a sector in constant change. 

From La Salle Campus Barcelona, aware of the current reality - not only of the market but also of professional training - and with the intention of boosting the professional future of our students, we are launching two new specializations that revolutionize the quality of current project management training.  

The importance of sustainability and project technology science  

Nowadays, business activity is developed in a responsible and conscious way of the impact it may have, not only on the environment but on society as well. Therefore, environmental care becomes a must for companies and organizations of all kinds.  

Sustainable project management is committed to integrating principles and skills that promote resource conservation, waste minimization and a positive impact on society. On the other hand, the sustainable project management professional assumes the control and evaluation of potential environmental risks, the improvement of energy efficiency and the promotion of social responsibility in the organization, taking into account the economic and social aspects of the project.   

Technology, in its absence, has revolutionized the way projects are managed today. Digitalization, IoT (internet of things) or artificial intelligence are just some of the new emerging technologies that have enabled the creation of cyber-physical projects, opening new interconnected channels that communicate with each other to optimize and achieve the success of any project.  

Professionals in this field must have solid knowledge in technology, as well as skills to manage the complexity and unique challenges that arise from the interaction between the physical and the digital.  

Sustainability and technology play key roles in project management today. Both aspects have become increasingly relevant due to the challenges and demands of our ever-changing world. 

Project Management | Pioneering training at La Salle-URL  

The entry of two new specializations in the area of project management at La Salle-URL, born from a growing need to train professionals capable of addressing current and future challenges in a sustainable and technologically advanced way.  

With two new areas focused on sustainable and cyber-physical projects, we cover the current market demands in terms of training related to project management.  

Sustainability ensures that projects are developed in a responsible manner, thus taking care of the environment and society. Technology also enables more connected management, and leverages innovations to optimally achieve project objectives.   

Sustainability in project management   

Training in sustainable projects is critical to educate students in management skills and knowledge essential for a sustainable future.  Preparing future leaders in implementing sustainable solutions is the next step in a world where climate change and resource scarcity become a global concern. Students need to learn how to design projects that have a positive impact on the environment and society.   

Sustainable projects can help reduce costs, improve brand image and increase the profitability of companies.   

Within the framework of the new subject, the fundamentals of sustainability in projects, its impact on the project and the implication of sustainability principles at the organizational level will be defined.   

Cyber-physical projects  

On the other hand, the subject of cyber-physical projects aims to train professionals in the management of projects that involve a series of factors or elements that make their execution and management difficult and that combine the digital and physical worlds.   

The growing advance of emerging and interconnected technologies through devices is essential to understand the management of intelligent, efficient and secure systems. This new specialization provides students with transversal skills and knowledge in the management of areas such as electronics, programming, robotics and artificial intelligence.   

This subject fosters creativity and critical thinking, which in turn helps with the resolution of complex problems and prepares for real-world challenges in the professional future of our students, contributing to the advancement of technology in a constantly evolving sector.   

Based on project management that relies on the development of Digital Twins and Cyber Physical Systems, it will provide the necessary competencies to lead successful projects in this field. These systems enable process optimization, increased efficiency and cost reduction. 

Successful implementation of projects based on Digital Twin and CPS can provide a competitive advantage for companies. Project managers must be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead projects in this field and ensure their success.  

The new specializations in La Salle-URL's Master's in Project Management offer students the opportunity to acquire specialized skills and up-to-date knowledge to meet the challenges of today's world.   

Whether in the field of sustainability or cyber-physical projects, these specializations will prepare you to lead projects with impact, contributing to a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.  


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