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14 October 2010 | Posted by Redacción Ingeniería

CTMedia will develop technologies for the future hotels with a new Cenit project

A new Cenit project about  "Technologies for the hotel of the future" (THOFU) has been approved and CTMedia La Salle will participate on it. THOFU  is an R+D initiative applied to tourism that focuses on research into new technologies and the development of technological concepts so that an hotel can offer advanced and differentiated services, to suit specific needs of each client.

THOFU aims to design the hotel of the future, since its construction, its parts, the interaction with users, security and integration with its surroundings and the Internet. Gesfor Group leads this project with a budget of 23 million euros. The project, which lasts 4 years, with the participation of major institutions and research groups such as ATOS, Sacyr-Vallehermoso, T-Systems, Sensing & Control, Ándago, INERZA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Robotiker-Tecnalia together with CTMedia La Salle. In the project, CTMedia will be involved in work-package related to intelligent and adaptive interfaces.
THOFU is funded by the CENIT Programme, Ministry of Science and Innovation, which is responsible for funding major industrial research projects of strategic, large-scale and long-range scientific and technological, in areas of strategic importance for economic and potential international . In the call where the project has been awarded, involved 499 companies and 549 research organizations in 39 proposals, of which 12 have been granted.
Further information can be found here.