Bloc del grup de recerca GRETEL. Espai de divulgació sobre la recerca en tecnologies i metodologies per millorar l'aprenentatge.

25 October 2018 | Posted by Editorial Team GRETEL

RE-CREA Project

On October 22, was held the first working meeting of the RE-CREA Project (2018-2020). The project directed by the University of Comillas (where the meeting was held), has been selected as a project funded in the first call for projects of Teaching Innovation (2018) of the ACM (Aristos Campus Mundos).

In it, in addition to the University of Comillas, participates the University of Deusto and the GRETEL team as representatives of the Ramon Llull University. The objective is the implementation of the LESSON STUDY as an approach to the generation of "Gourmet" teaching activities.

For this, from La Salle, two subjects have been selected, one from the Engineering Department coordinated by Maria Alsina and Xavi Canaleta, and another from the Department of Architecture coordinated by David Boada and David Fonseca.


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