Bloc del grup de recerca GRETEL. Espai de divulgació sobre la recerca en tecnologies i metodologies per millorar l'aprenentatge.

15 October 2018 | Posted by Editorial Team GRETEL

Presentation on RA and RV by David Fonseca in Bolivia

On October 11, Professor David Fonseca, made a guest lecture closely related to the line of work of GRETEL on Methodologies in Hybrid Technologies entitled "Realidad Aumentada y Virtual: Mecanismos motivacionales en la Educación".

This presentation was made within the framework of the Congreso Internacional “La influencia de la tecnología en las comunidades del conocimiento” held at the University of La Salle in Bolivia and organized by the Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium.

It showed the research and results that show a clear increase in motivation in the educational field when interactive learning systems are used, and a thorough evaluation of how to implement them and adapt them to the needs of end users is necessary.


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