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28 June 2024 | Posted by angela.tuduri

The convergence of philosophy and research | La Salle-URL

Philosophy is a discipline that is often perceived as abstract and distant from practical application.

However, it plays a crucial role in the way we understand and address complex problems in various areas and sectors.   

Today, we explore how philosophy and research coexist, enriching the research process and deepening contemporary debates by offering perspectives that go beyond data and empirical evidence. Read on!  

Philosophy as a guide for research  

Philosophy, by questioning the established and critically reflecting on the assumptions that underpin our knowledge, provides a solid conceptual framework for research.   

Among others, the main characteristics of philosophy in research are:   

  • Raising relevant questions: Philosophy identifies relevant research problems and formulates sound hypotheses. It invites us to question the established and to reflect critically on the assumptions that underpin our knowledge.  

  • Establish conceptual frameworks: Philosophy also provides a solid theoretical framework for research, defining key concepts and establishing relationships between them, facilitating understanding and the development of explanatory models.  

  • Examine ethical implications: Scientific research is not without ethical dilemmas. Philosophy helps us to analyze these dilemmas critically and to make responsible decisions in the development and application of research. 

Research as a tool for philosophy  

Research, through its rigorous and systematic methods, collects data, analyzes information and generates empirical evidence that supports or refutes philosophical theories and concepts.   

In this way, research provides philosophy with concrete tools to validate its ideas and advance in the understanding of reality.  

  • Collecting empirical data: Research provides us with concrete and observable information about the world around us. This information is essential to validate or refute philosophical theories and advance in the understanding of reality.  

  • Analyze and evaluate evidence: Using statistical tools and analytical methods to process and understand the data collected will allow us to draw solid and reliable conclusions.  

  • Generate new knowledge: Research also allows us to discover new phenomena, formulate new theories and broaden our understanding of the world.   

Synergy between philosophy and research today  

In a world in constant change and with increasingly complex challenges, collaboration between philosophy and research is becoming more important than ever. The synergy between the two disciplines can:  

  • Approach problems from different perspectives: philosophy and research bring different approaches and methodologies that can be complementary to address the same problem. This allows a deeper and more complete understanding of the problem and facilitates the search for innovative solutions.  

  • Promote responsible technology development: Philosophy can help research to consider the ethical and social implications of new technologies, ensuring that they are developed and used responsibly.  

  • Policy and social justice: Collaboration between philosophy and research can contribute to building a more just, equitable and sustainable future for all. Theories of justice, freedom and equality are fundamental to the design of public policies and the promotion of social justice. 

Far from being an academic luxury, philosophy offers critical and ethical tools that can and should inform research practice in all disciplines.   

In this sense, the Master in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology at La Salle-URL is an educational experience that will open new horizons of reflection in a unique campus, with participatory classes, top-notch professors and individualized attention according to your curricular itinerary and research interests. 


