In Catalan Please! En català si us plau!
I have always believed in the importance of languages, respect them and understand what they mean. For me, language has to do with the culture of a country. To identify the traits and characteristics would also be the case with many languages often with a unique vocabulary.
An example would be the words themselves, those we use in a geographical area to identify something that does not exist elsewhere, say the different colors whitin Nordic countries, or Castellers of our land.
For this reason, whenever I went to a country I have always wanted to learn and known its language, say curiosity and respect. In fact, in my case and due to hiking in France I've learnt French.
Kevin Douglas, Law Professor at La Salle Business Engineering School, degree of Business Administration sent me the following link, this viedo explains the importance of languages to extend a business in different countries:
So far nothing new in terms of engaging business, we all know the weight of languages, cultures when it comes to a business. However, what is new in this video is the fact of mentioning the Catalan language and the the reasons of using Catalan in the business world exposed in economic terms.
I've found really interesting the fact of measure in economic terms the importance of Catalan in the business world.
Like it or not, quite often we are moved by economic terms, and this video measures in economic and financial tems why support a language from a country.
Do you think it is important to measure the economic importance of in this case a language? In my opinion yes, it may be a very objective and perhaps more efficient way to understand and explain something that sometimes could result emotionally complicated.