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30 October 2019 | Posted by Team Technova

Technology Tour Experience for the IoT Solutions World Congress

La Salle Campus Barcelona and La Salle Technova collaborated to guide tours to Japanese and European companies at the IoT Solutions World Congress

From 29th to 31st Barcelona holds the Industry Week in which In(3D)ustry, Machine-Tool, Plastic Transformation, Robotics & Automation, Molds & Dies, New Materials, Connectivity & Data, Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress and the IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) are part of it. 
La Salle Campus Barcelona and La Salle Technova Barcelona guided the 'Technology Tours Experience' within the framework of the IoT Solutions World Congress to give value-added experiences to CEOs and executives of consolidated companies that wanted to see how IoT technologies, Blockchain and AI can transform their companies through digitalization.  The IoT Solutions World Congress is the largest IoT event in the world dedicated exclusively to joining IoT providers within the industry in order to help the latter increase productivity via this disruptive technology.
On October 29th, in the morning, two groups from Japanese consolidated companies visited the Altair, Amplía iiot, Alfred Smart Systems, Libelium, Jyse, Nearby Sensor and Siemens. So they could have an idea about the three phases of the IOT process’ value chain focus in smart building.
In the afternoon, the technical visit organized by La Salle Technova was coordinated by ACCIO for a European network of advisors. They visited Kx, Siemens AG, Comarch, LX Group, Epson, Moxa and Vantiq, focusing in retail and textile industry solutions.
The tour was leading by PhD and Researchers from La Salle- URL experts in IoT Technology.


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