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31 January 2011 | Posted by Redacción Ingeniería

MCDEM Master starts second semester with project oriented classes

The Dome

MCDEM’s final projects (Master on Multimedia Creation and Serious Games) that is yearly organized by the La Salle’s Media Technologies Department, starts the second semester. The 20 students that this year are following the master will have the challenge to develop the five projects that have been proposed by real companies. As usual, the students, organized in groups like they were small companies with complementary profiles (developers, designers and producers), will need to propose original solutions that combine technology, creativity, communication and usability. The companies that are participating this year to the Master are:  LABSID (, COGNITIVA TECH (, LABSITEC (,  ENLACE ( and DIGITAL LEGENDS ENTERTAINMENT (, we are eager to see the always interesting results that the MCDEM students develop at the MediaDome!.

For further information you can check this web site.


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