Are you looking for an internship or a full time job?

“What type of jobs am I qualified for?”, “Which company will best match my skills?”, “Through what type of company am I most likely to achieve my professional goals?”
It is easy to get confused or even completely lost when looking for a job!
The 16th and the 17th of February JOB BCN will be arranged. It is a career fair that aims to connect student and recent graduates with hiring companies, and it will take place in Palau de Congressos de Catalunya. Last year the fare had more than 14.000 visitors. More than 85 companies were represented, and more then 85 conferences were held. This year the event will be even bigger, and more than 100 companies have already announced their attendance. Most of them are multinational.
The opportunities at this fair are endless. In the “Observatory area” more than 20 conferences will be held during the two days. In the “One to one area” you can find more than 2000 opportunities, and in this area the companies will consecutively interview potential candidates. Another part of the fair is the “Conference area”, where directors from more than 70 of the participating companies will talk about the candidate profiles valued by the respective company and what career opportunities the company is currently offering. Last but not least, there will be a “Workshop area” where students can learn from experienced workers.
The participation is free for students, but a registration is required and this has to be done before the 10th of February.
If you want to know more about the fair, or if you want to register, you should check out their website.