International Business Administration students share their adventures and experiences at La Salle Campus Barcelona. Not to be missed!

22 May 2010 | Posted by Students of Business and Technology

La Salle BES Students. Jaheun Park, Nicholas de Roche, Pavel Hayes Proverbs from Korea, Panamá and Russia

Jaehun Park, Korea

Sentence in your native language (related to the country: proverbs, models, sayings:

오르지 못하는 나무는 쳐다보지도 말라

Translation (In English): Don’t even look at a tree that you won’t be able to climb




Nicholas de Roche, Panamanian

Sentence in your native language (related to the country: proverbs, models, sayings:

Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente

Translation (In English): Don't ever stop trying





Pavel Hayes, Russian

Sentence in your native language (related to the country: proverbs, models, sayings:

Без труда́ не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из пруда́

Translation (In English): Without effort, you can't [even] pull a fish out of the pond



My keyboard is not prepared for Russian writing, neither Korean writing, I am from Barcelona. We still have lots to do to understand and respect worlwide cultures. This post is not able to translate Korean signs, reason why you read boxes instead of Korean signs. There is room for improvement, for new challenges for Business and Engineers Students. Be welcome to start working together!
